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11 Jul 2014 CS101. From Fundamental Research Group. Jump to: navigation, search The videos of the lectures are on Examples (.pdf and .tex file). Introduction Document Includes User Manual CSL CS101-2 EPC Class 1 Gen 2 RFID reader can upload or download the file through this location Local File: define the The objective of CS101 is to teach programming skills and computational thinking. Starting from spring 2010, CS101 uses the programming language Python, Also, if one buys the paper copy, one can download the PDF version for free. 11 Jan 2016 Course E-mail: with subject line cs101, Instructor: A. Gerbessiotis Download material of interest to you ASAP. All Handout link: Handouts for CS 101; PDF Version of Syllabus: Syllabus for CS 101 in Home; Downloads; Archived PDF Files; Special Eligibility; CS Form 101-D, Form 101-D, Revised Sept. 2013. CS Form 101-D, Revised Sept. 2013. Download. 19 Aug 2011 This book started from the premise that Computer Science should be taught as 000, and the “Yes”, “No”, “Yes” path to 5 is encoded as 101.
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